0 By Lantz Arroyo In Futures, PublishingPosted October 3, 2019Behind the Scenes with Sabrina Cintron — Illustrating A POINT OF HONOR by Aeryn RudelSabrina Cintron talks about her approach to illustrating her first sci-fi story, A POINT OF HONOR by Aeryn Rudel. READ MORE
0 By Alma Shoaf In Futures, PublishingPosted September 3, 2019Behind the Scenes with Alma Shoaf — Illustrating WHAT YOU CALL by germ lynnWe welcome Alma Elaine Shoaf as she takes you behind the scenes of WHAT YOU CALL in this guest post! READ MORE
1 By John Dermot Woods In Futures, PublishingPosted April 24, 2019Behind the Scenes — Creating the Cover of ALWAYS BLUE by John Dermot WoodsArtist John Dermot Woods takes you behind the scenes of ALWAYS BLUE in this guest post! READ MORE
0 By Sabrina Cintron In Publishing, The Witches' GrimoirePosted March 13, 2019Behind the Scenes — Illustrating The Witches’ Grimoire with Sabrina CintronArtist Sabrina Cintron takes you behind the scenes of THE WITCHES' GRIMOIRE in this guest post! READ MORE